Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sometimes Goodbye is a Second Chance...

My best friend passed away almost 3 years ago. I'd only known her for three years, but she was like the twin I never had. She had such a love for God and she wanted only the best for others. She had such a unique way of looking at the world. She taught me about photography and showed me now to really see the wonder of the world.

When she passed away is was quite sudden. We had absolutely no warning. I said goodbye to her after school on Friday, and Monday night she was gone. You never really realize what you have until it's gone. I never fully appreciated just how amazing of a friend she was until she was gone.

I miss her so much every day, it's like a piece of me died with her. I'm reminded of her by some of the most inconsequential things. Sometimes it a word, a phrase, sometimes it's a song, other times it's realizing what day it is.

She taught me to view the world in a different light. I have carried on in my photography because it reminds me of her. I cannot go back the way I viewed the world before. There is so much to see that she showed me.

Friends like that are the kind you cannot find, they must grown from a simple friendship. You cannot buy them, borrow them, or even rent them. They must come from your own hard work and friendship...Carly changed my life forever...

"sometimes goodbye is a second chance..."

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