Thursday, November 26, 2009

Stargate Universe

Imagine you're on another planet, exploring other galaxies, meeting new people, and making all kinds of technological advances. Imagine that you're trying to solve a puzzle that could lead you through a portal to a whole new place that you can't even picture. Now, imagine that the planet you're on, comes under attack and you have to flee through this portal or die.

You go through the portal. You're terrified, scared, hurt, in pain, you have no idea where you are. It's dark and people are yelling. You finally realize you're on a ship, in the middle of nowhere, then the life support system goes out. You only have a days or so worth of air left, and you have no clue how to fix it.

That is how the series "Stargate Universe" starts out. This is the third series in the Stargatefranchise and in my opinion, it is the best of the three. Don't get me wrong, I loved SG-1 andSGA, but there is something real about this series. The circumstances are dire, the stakes are high, but through it all, these characters are so human. They are flawed, yes, but aren't we all? They realistically portray people who are thrust into these circumstances and must take charge, band together, and help each other out.

If you haven't seen this show I'd really recommend you check it out. The characters of this show are the best part. They are flawed, but you can relate to them in ways that you can't relate to other shows. They are real people that you can believe. Watch it, you'll see what I mean.

Here are the links to some Stargate Related blogs, or at least ones that I'd recommend. Here ya go:

I hope you enjoy them!!!

1 comment:

  1. My 22 year old daughter and I love this show...I can't wait for the return.
