Monday, December 7, 2009

Lyrical Blurbs...

So, I've been doing a bit of off and on writing. Let me preface this by saying I have no clue where this all comes from. I've never had a boyfriend or a breakup, so I'm a little curious as to why all this seems to be what's been coming out.

That said, here are my strange blips of maybe some lyrics or something:

Blip #1:

Write me a note, drop me a line,

Show me that you're not, busy all the time.

Tell me that you need me, never let me go,

Tell me that I'm special, tell me that you know.

It doesn't matter what you're looking for,

You'll never find it like you had before,

It'd only just another dream, wishing you could see me again.

Blip #2:

This is for real, the door is swinging closed,

I see your back, you're leaving, the car starts up, you're gone.

I'm still standing there, wondering where we went so wrong,

Your voice still echoes in my mind, "that's it, I'm through, we're done."

That's not the first time you've said those words to me,

But it's the last time, I'll watch you say "goodbye,"

You say you're leaving, well here's some news for you,

I'm leaving too.

I pack my suitcase, I'm leaving you a note,

Don't try to find me, it won't work if you do,

You said you loved me, we both know that's not true,

So do us both a favor and forget the life we had,

Good while it lasted, but now it's gone to pot,

You're leaving, I'm leaving, it's time to face the future.

Anywho, those are my blips for the day. Comment, critique, feel free to leave something...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Stargate Universe

Imagine you're on another planet, exploring other galaxies, meeting new people, and making all kinds of technological advances. Imagine that you're trying to solve a puzzle that could lead you through a portal to a whole new place that you can't even picture. Now, imagine that the planet you're on, comes under attack and you have to flee through this portal or die.

You go through the portal. You're terrified, scared, hurt, in pain, you have no idea where you are. It's dark and people are yelling. You finally realize you're on a ship, in the middle of nowhere, then the life support system goes out. You only have a days or so worth of air left, and you have no clue how to fix it.

That is how the series "Stargate Universe" starts out. This is the third series in the Stargatefranchise and in my opinion, it is the best of the three. Don't get me wrong, I loved SG-1 andSGA, but there is something real about this series. The circumstances are dire, the stakes are high, but through it all, these characters are so human. They are flawed, yes, but aren't we all? They realistically portray people who are thrust into these circumstances and must take charge, band together, and help each other out.

If you haven't seen this show I'd really recommend you check it out. The characters of this show are the best part. They are flawed, but you can relate to them in ways that you can't relate to other shows. They are real people that you can believe. Watch it, you'll see what I mean.

Here are the links to some Stargate Related blogs, or at least ones that I'd recommend. Here ya go:

I hope you enjoy them!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Bowl of Mush...

That is what I feel like right now. It's been a long week. I've gotten much done this week, but there is always more to get done. Right now I'm trying to forget just how sore I am from my Volleyball class this morning. So far it's not working...maybe because I played it last night for two hours, then this morning for three. So much for me being smart...well, wait, I never said I was smart...especially when it comes to volleyball. But enough about that...

Okay, so the newest movie in the Twilight series came out this morning. Now, let me preface what I am about to say by letting you know that I do like the books. But seriously, 30-40 year old women going crazy about a 17 year old? How amazingly dense and sickening can they be? I understand teenage girls going crazy, but their moms? That is a whole new level of weird and slightly scary!

Let's think about this series logically. Everybody says that this is the greatest series and it's all about how much they love each other. They point out this series as a model for how relationships should be. I'd like to point some things out that you might not have realized.

Step 1: Put the book relationship in the context of a real life relationship.
After you do that, look through the book and notice all the mentions about his looks. (Yeah, because a real relationship is all about looks...*sarcastic snort*)

Notice how he urges her to go behind her father's back. (Yeah, because in a real relationship the father has no place and the girl doesn't have to listen to the man who's been taking care of her for all her life...I know the book circumstances are slightly different, but I've got a good point here...)

He controls who she is friends with. In this case, he tries to keep her from seeing her best friend. (Yeah, because that doesn't sound like a controlling boyfriend...I thought people tried to avoid relationships where the guy tries to control everything...apparently not...)

He threatens to kill himself if she leaves or dies. (Dramatic much?...this falls under the controlling part as well. He says that life without her isn't worth living...while he may truly feel that way, he says that to keep her with him. Do you really need something like that in a real relationship? I don't think so.)

Anywho, the next time you twi-hards read the books, you might want to think about whether you'd really want to have a boyfriend like Edward. I'm not for one "team" over another...but maybe you should really think about what you're reading and encouraging young girls to emulate...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sometimes Goodbye is a Second Chance...

My best friend passed away almost 3 years ago. I'd only known her for three years, but she was like the twin I never had. She had such a love for God and she wanted only the best for others. She had such a unique way of looking at the world. She taught me about photography and showed me now to really see the wonder of the world.

When she passed away is was quite sudden. We had absolutely no warning. I said goodbye to her after school on Friday, and Monday night she was gone. You never really realize what you have until it's gone. I never fully appreciated just how amazing of a friend she was until she was gone.

I miss her so much every day, it's like a piece of me died with her. I'm reminded of her by some of the most inconsequential things. Sometimes it a word, a phrase, sometimes it's a song, other times it's realizing what day it is.

She taught me to view the world in a different light. I have carried on in my photography because it reminds me of her. I cannot go back the way I viewed the world before. There is so much to see that she showed me.

Friends like that are the kind you cannot find, they must grown from a simple friendship. You cannot buy them, borrow them, or even rent them. They must come from your own hard work and friendship...Carly changed my life forever...

"sometimes goodbye is a second chance..."

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Reaction

As soon as I finished, I had the feeling to coming awake. The realization of myself, not my character. I slowly walked off the stage and went to get a drink. My throat was parched from the accent I put on. I could see the glances of my other classmates. But I wasn't embarrassed at all. I wanted this part like nothing else. I could see my teacher and our producer whispering. At that moment, I felt like I'd really done it. I'd done all I could and now it was up to them. All I could hope was that it was convincing enough…the rest was in their hands now...

The Audition

I walked into the room, busting with confidence. I knew I could do this. I was prepared and I was going to throw myself into this. I sat in the seat, my heart was pounding, my hearing was sharpened, I was excited beyond all normal parameters. I could hear even the slightest whispers of my classmates.

My teacher walked in and slowly sat down. (As if wanting us to feel the excitement and energy of the moment.) He called out for the character, and I got up, willing myself to not tremble. I took my script and walked up the steps to the stage. I waited for the other two in the scene to take their spots on stage, then, I began...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Glimpses into my mind...

Glittering, swirling, dancing in the sea, everyone can see but nobody can know. Mine is blue and yours is green. No one truly knows what we really are behind the colors. They hid us from others, I cannot see you, and you cannot see me. This brittle idea of who we are, is it truly us?
Can you see me? I can see you. But I am not here. You cannot see me. I am tucked away where you cannot go. I hide you from the face of all. Who am I? Don't you know? I am a singer, a dancer, a musician, a friend. I am a painter, a sculptor, a photographer, a friend. I am an actor, a composer, a writer, a friend.
Do you know who I am? Can you know who I am? I am a coat of many colors, a box of many crayons, a crystal with many sides. You stand with your back to the world, do you really think that you can know me?
The air buzzed with nervous energy. Butterflies fluttered through my stomach. The lights dimmed and the noise of the crowd was hushed. The introduction was given and the stage went black. Bells rand and with anticipation I counted them. Then I began to sing...the night had begun at last.
~based on my experiences during "the sound of music" at my school.~

Friday, August 7, 2009


What is your goal when you go to see a movie? Do you even have one? Or do you just see movies for the pure fun and enjoyment of it?

I just went to see the midnight showing of the movie "G.I. Joe." It was interesting being there for the first showing in my area. The whole atmosphere of the theatre was so different from what it is usually like. There was a sense of excitement in the air that one only gets from being out late and the anticipation of a long awaited film.
We got there before 11:30pm and almost immediately went inside to get our seats. The theatre started to fill up rather quickly after we got our seats, soon there were people going from row to row asking if seats were taken.
After a wait of over half and hour, the lights finally started to dim as the previews started. I do not even remember all of the previews, but that doesn't really matter. The previews finished and as the crowd started to whisper with anticipation, the open scenes started.
As the movie progressed, there was a lack of the usual whispering you might hear at movies you go to see. It was as if people were just waiting to see what happened next. It was quite strange to have that much silence in an action movie.

Anyway, that was my big adventure for that week. I know that I'm posting this over a week after it happened, but that's the way it goes. Life can be quite busy when you have tons to work on.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Our stories begin somewhere. A meaningful conversation, a walk in the park, the chords of a musical composition, the brushstrokes of an artist, a picture that takes your breath away, or some such thing. No matter where they may start, they have brought you here right now to read this. I cannot say that I deserve any attention. I can promise you that this is a place of beginnings. A place to start, to envision new beginnings of what you can do. This is where I can share the beginnings I have had and the start of something new.

If by any chance you might find this, I will give you the link to a webpage where you can get a glimpse of the beginnings of my stories.

If you so chose, you may visit there. I hope that if you do, you will get a better sense of what you can make with the smallest of intentions.